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Safety Committee
WVU Safety Committee Guidelines
Mission: To eliminate or reduce risks/exposures to university students, staff, faculty, visitors and property by identifying, continually communicating and correcting known hazards through collaboration of safety committee members and University personnel.
WVU Safety Committee : A group designated and supported by the department Dean, Director or building supervisor to identify and correct environmental, health, safety and public risks, to people and property. The committee is generally chaired by the Building Supervisor, or safety designee and utilizes the expertise of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and University Police (UPD) as a resources and guidance.
Safety Committee Development:
Dean/Director/Building Supervisor shall: Identify and select the appropriate people to participate on the committee to represent building safety concerns. Recommended for committee participates are:
- The building supervisor
- A representative from each department within the building
- Chemical Hygiene Officer
- A student representative (if desired)
- Other persons knowledgeable of departmental or building operations
- EHS representative. Request a representative by going to our website and clicking on the service request to obtain assistance
Safety Committee Activities include:
1. All Safety Committees are to address the following (not limited to)
- Maintain an active safety committee, by utilizing WVU Safety Committee meeting
agenda form. This form identifies the criteria of suggested environmental,
health, safety and public concerns that should be addressed.
- Develop an Emergency Evacuation plan and distribute to all impacted staff and
faculty in the department and building.
- Establish and assess goals and set new goals for the upcoming year.
- Submit incident reports to EHS. Discuss incidents and help to establish prevention plans.
- Use the EHS safety checklist to help identify environmental health, safety and
public risks and exposures and develop plans corrective actions.
- Meet at least twice a year to address outstanding concerns or questions from
the occupants of the building.
- Coordinate and conduct fire drills at least once during the year and other emergency
drills as determined by the committee. The safety committee should assure building
occupants congregate in the appropriate area for drills. A written evaluation
and needed improvements of the fire and emergency drills is be made.
(See fire drill evaluation form)
- Review and address the State Board of Risk Management (BRIM) identified risks
to the buildings and properties related to each safety committee.
- S
end meeting minutes to WVU Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) by July
1st. of each fiscal year. This is required by Risk Management and EHS so
to provide the WV State Board of Risk Management.
2. Safety Committees addressing laboratory related activities should also incorporate the following: (ex, not limited to: Clark Hall, Chemistry Research Building).
- Assist and support the Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) in the implementation of
a chemical hygiene plan.
- Assist the CHO in maintaining adequate facilities and conduct periodic inspections
of the area.
- If possible, monitor procurement, use and disposal of chemicals in conjunction
with the CHO.
- Ensure the CHO is maintaining records of audits and inventories
- Stay current with legal requirements pertaining to the type of activities conducted
in the building.
- Review all written plans annually with the CHO
- Identify training needs and ensure building employees are receiving the appropriate
training and records are being kept.
- Instruct building employees exposed to chemical or infectious materials of the
availability of:
o medical consultation, medical care, and medical attention
o Contact EHS for support, services and assistance
3. Safety Committee’s addressing Student Support Facilities should also include the following (ex, but not limited to: Mt. Lair, Recreation Center, Housing & Residence Life)
- Identify specialized training needs (i.e., Residence Assistance training, specialized
- Residence Hall fire drills are conducted twice per year
For Resources See:
EHS website / EHS 304-293-3792
(Safety Committee Forms, Training, Incident Reporting, Requests for services, Procedures and Programs etc.)
Building Emergency Plan (BEP) – UPD website